Monday, August 19, 2013

Things to do for Wednesday

1.  Register on
2.  Check and see if you can access textbook from portal.
3.  Class Rules and Procedures --print out the signature page and turn it in to me by Friday.
4.  Check blog daily.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Welcome Back to School and I Hope Everyone Had a Fabulous Summer!!!

This blog will be used with my HUSH classes (Honors US History).  This blog will be updating in the next few weeks.  We have the EOC exam this year in US History so we have to go in depth with the content this year.  I will be explaining more about the EOC in the upcoming weeks and there will be practice exams, pre-tests, and interim exams from the district and myself.   

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Photographs from the Past

Check out the National Archives link on the side and the Library of Congress for old photographs and images from the past.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Check out to the right of the blog where I am adding useful Social Studies website plus links to the history of the Amistad. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Period 4 and Period 5

Welcome!! Please be patient as I learn to use this technology.